April 23, 2011 .- When on April 29, Kate Middleton becomes the wife of Prince William, heir to the British crown and the son of Lady Di, she will not be able to do certain things because she will join the royal family.
These are the 10 obligations it must fulfill:
1. People may not address her as ‘Kate’
Once married, her official title is “Her Royal Highness Princess William of Wales.” People can refer to her as Catherine or Catalina in Spanish, but “Kate” may not be used.
2. She will not have the right to vote
Both the Queen and members of the family have the right to vote, but the royalty considered unconstitutional and violate the real desire to represent all sections of society, including minorities.
3. She cannot aspire to political office
For the same reason mentioned in point 2.
4. She cannot escape public observation
The future princess will have to avoid exhibitionism. She will have the approval from the public and rejection. She will always be in the sights of the people, the press and the rest of the world.
5. She cannot play Monopoly
In 2008, Prince Andrew, Duke of York, said the royal family was not allowed to play Monopoly at home because “it was a very vicious game.”
6. She cannot express issues that cause controversy
She cannot disclose publicly her political preferences, social, sexual and accept large amounts of money from the “business” for an interview with her husband.
7. She cannot eat seafood
The royal family does not eat seafood for fear of getting sick or poisoned.
8. She cannot perform any work
Although Kate has degree in Art History may not work for money while she is being part of the royal family but is allow making official activities and charitable causes and supporting her husband Williams on official missions.
9. She cannot sign papers which are not official
Kate cannot sign autographs or anything other than official papers already authorized by the Queen, just so her signature doesn’t get faked. But she could sign some papers and government regulation in lieu of her husband.
10. She cannot finish her meal
If Kate was eating slower than the Queen, she must quit although recently has started her plate. In Britain, when the queen finishes her meal, all guests must do it also.
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